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Scandinavian Film Distribution is a Copenhagen-based, producer-orientated film distribution company focused on feature films in the entire Nordic region.

The company is headed by a team of industry veterans representing decades of experience within distribution, production and marketing of more than 100 feature films.

Our goal is to distribute 15-20 films per year across the Nordic region and offer support and guidance to producers and creatives from the early development stages. We provide MGs in all projects we enter, equity in some projects, and facilitate international sales and access to aggregation partners. 

Because no two films are the same, we work closely with producers to ensure that each film gets the tailored attention it needs and is taken to the market in the way that serves the film best - no standard solutions.

We are backed by a group of dedicated investors through Scandinavian Film Funds.



Our latest and upcoming film releases.



Scandinavian Film Distribution is run by a team of dedicated industry professionals representing distribution, marketing, production and filmmaking competencies. Contact us for more.


Kim Magnusson

Head of Creative and Development
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Godfred Hansen-Nord

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Marcus Clausen

Director, Scandinavian Film Funds
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Gitte Sundram

Booking coordinator
Scandinavian Film Funds

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Vi stiller krav til partnervirksomheder og projektorganisationer, at de i videst muligt omfang respekterer målene.

© Copyright 2022 Scandinavian Distribution

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